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Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 6:48 pm
by mikeyr
WOW its finally happening...I am moving after months of threatening to move, its finally happening.

There will be some downtime early next week, I still don't have a firm date/time from the net company that provides my connection. I expect the server to be down for a day.

During that day, I will have the old server up at my old house but it will NOT have this forum on it, it will just be the html pages so that the site is up. After the new house is up and running and the IP addresses have propagated over the net, I will swap the machines. So just FYI, 2 full months behind schedule, its happening.

Poor old Singer's will be stored outside in the weather for about a month as the SingerMahal gets built, luckily its S. Calif. weather. I expect the move to actually take about a month(one of the problems of living in the same house 34 years).


Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 4:15 am
by BRG
Hooray for you! Wish I was there to help you. Sorry the drive there is a bit long.


Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:16 pm
by mikeyr
Best planning of mice and men...

I had a slow dog of a computer ready to take to the new house and everything was going as perfectly scheduled, the network was up at the new house and the network at my old house was scheduled to be shut down at Midnight on Wednesday, so I was planning on taking the slow computer on Wednesday and there would be NO downtime then after the switch take the fast server over.

So at 12:01 AM Tuesday night (that is actually Wednesday morning to me) they shut my service off at the old house...uh say what ? that is not midnight Wednesday night, that is midnight Tuesday. Some genius at my ISP decided that midnight Wednesday is 12:01AM and we ended up offline and down for a day until I could get the computer there...sorry, I planned it better but I could not control the geniuses at my ISP.


Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:19 pm
by mikeyr
I am having some issues with the server, it just shuts down seems to run for 7-8 days and shuts down with nothing in the error logs. Unfortunately with the server in the new house and me in the old house (with no internet) I can't always turn it back on in a very timely manner. I will be looking into it ASAP but not sure what is causing it yet. Its happened 3 times now in the last 3 weeks, once I am with the server I am sure I will figure it out very quickly.

Sorry for the downtimes, life lately has been one huge curveball, looking forward to getting back to normal.