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New Website

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 8:30 pm
by mikeyr
Ok, part of the updates for the server are allowing me to do major upgrades to the main website.

So for now, most of the main website is missing but I am quickly adding all the pages that used to be there. I have the home page of course and a few links to some pages on identifying 4AD's since that was asked for on the forum, I am going to add all the other models this afternoon. Then from there, move on to other pages, should have the full website up in a few days. Keep looking, I promise stuff will go up daily.

One of the BEST things is now the website will work on phones, tablets, etc. It will be a fully responsive website for different size monitors, phones, tablets. AND the menu system will work on all of them, as some of you know the menu system has been broken on some web browsers for quite a while, that is all fixed now.

Any thing I should add to the website ? anything you want to see ? come on...give me stuff :)

Re: New Website

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 8:03 am
by mikeyr
Just because I know you guys really care....the 4AD section on the main website is pretty much done, 2 pages to go. I have the history pages done, a few broken links there but I have a list of them to fix. The pre-war section is missing many links. I am closely watching the 404 errors (page not found) that Google is reporting and adding those pages first as those are the ones being looked for by the public. The site will look pretty much the same when done, but it will work on phones and tablets and menu will work on everything. Then I can change the look of the site to suit your fancy pretty easily.

Right its midnight and bedtime, more tomorrow.