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Re: New Project

Posted: Sat May 04, 2019 8:45 pm
by darcy
I am yet to fulyl test LEDs, but was told that I need you a special lED RELAY, the standard ones don’t work. So far, mine like yours, work with just the battery, big test when I start up.

Re: New Project

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 3:41 am
by indian301
If you are only using LED's you will have to use a special turn signal flasher or you can wire in old style incandescent light bulbs and hide them somewhere. The old bulbs provide the resistance necessary for a normal old style flasher.


Re: New Project

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 7:54 am
by telco.2
Absolutely right Dave: I bought the flasher unit & a buzzer from the same firm that supplied the LED's and still came up with the problem ( now sorted).
Thanks for all the feed-back

Re: New Project

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 9:54 am
by ColinB
Big day today as I was able to drive her out of the barn under her own steam. Given the state she was in when auctioned in the late 70s I doubt if she was viable at all from 1970 onwards so I think this must be the first time she has been driven for nearly 50 years. The last time she was on this piece of grass was in December 2017 soon after she arrived when my wife and I pushed her round from the garage to the barn - today was a lot easier!

Engine is running in the pictures,sounds good though little loud as I haven't yet got a silencer to fit and does not make any smoke. Brakes need adjusting as she barely stops, but just the same I'm pretty pleased to have reached this stage. I need to bite the bullet and get the wheels restored professionally and also get the bumpers chromed while I get stuck into the paint job.
She moves.JPG
Hope the brakes work.JPG

Re: New Project

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 12:36 pm
by Phillip
Congratulations Colin.
What a wonderful milestone to have reached. And in such a short time considering her parlous condition when purchased.
Well done, Sir!

Re: New Project

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 2:33 pm
by telco.2
Agreed! Amazing job Colin & you've kept my enthusiasm on the boil in the process! I'm still waiting for my pal to sort the carbs, but mine goes into & out of the workshop under its own steam too. Bill

Re: New Project

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 6:15 pm
by Peter McKercher
Well done Colin. A great milestone to achieve.

Re: New Project

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 7:38 pm
by Danish
A very rare Ranlite clockwork Singer car currently on eBay- a Light Six? The last one I saw sold for £850 in 2008.
Link to item: ... SwF~1czyFf

Re: New Project

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 9:26 am
by ColinB
Nice model Danish but a bit out of my price range!

Having got the Six moving it seems a shame to take her wheels away but that is exactly what I have done. I took them to Turrino Wheels today to get them re-spoked.

Having examined the wheels closely I discovered that there are only three that need re-spoking with two others that were clearly re-spoked at some point in their lives. I am keeping one of these as the spare together with its 1970 tyre and Turrino have the other four - three for re-spoking and all four for painting black. The quote is £200 per wheel for re-spoking and £50 for the paint job on all four. So for around £650 I will get four roadworthy wheels ready for new rubber which I think is very reasonable. Turrino are also only 40 minutes away so are relatively local to me.

They will try to have them back in a month so that gives me a target for the paint job on the body. It is very wet here today so not suitable conditions for paint but I have a lot of rubbing down to do so I will don a face mask and get on with that. As I was able to drive her out and turn her round the main body is now by the door which gives me better light and a better view of the lines when I have a go at two tone primer.

My friend Dick, who is a very skilful fabricator is making me a new exhaust system on the same design as the original. I had the silencer and rear pipe but both were too corroded to be re-used. He originally suggested a stainless system but we were advised by other friends into vintage cars that mild steel gives a more authentic exhaust note.
Turrino workshop.png

Re: New Project

Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 3:16 pm
by mikeyr
you were advised correctly on the exhaust note, stick with steel.

Car is looking GREAT.

Re: New Project

Posted: Fri May 10, 2019 3:32 pm
by ColinB
I have had a really good clear out in the barn and realise I have room for another car …….. :lol:

Re: New Project

Posted: Sat May 18, 2019 7:29 pm
by ColinB
While looking into the Bantam Coupe I have also replaced the doors on the Six and given the lower part of the body three coats of grey undercoat by brush. I will rub this down carefully with wet and dry paper before giving it one more coat. I then plan to apply masking tape and give the upper body four coats of black undercoat by brush to establish the two tone look. I bought a couple of high power LED lights to help with the painting - they are really helpful in the rather dark barn!

Re: New Project

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 5:14 pm
by ColinB
Phew - the awful blue is no more as the black undercoat takes over! Now I have established the lines of the two tone paint finish I will remove the doors and finish them separately as some of the carcass members needs careful painting without the doors in place. I'm still not sure whether to brush or spray the top coat but I will continue with the brush on the undercoats.

Re: New Project

Posted: Tue May 21, 2019 5:17 pm
by telco.2
Definitely a big improvement on the blue Colin! 8)

Re: New Project

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2019 6:44 am
by ColinB
More undercoat and two coats of the top coat on the upper body. I will let this go off for few days before applying masking tape and adding the final colour to the lower section. There are one or two small areas where the dark blue has crept under the masking tape but I will razor these off later. The doors will be treated as separate mini-projects.